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Managing a L/S portfolio across multiple asset classes.

Asymmetric investing strategies combined with growth.

The long short portfolio is diversified across numerous asset classes. Be it commodities/PGM/Base metals/FX/Global equities, Energy trading, Stocks, ETF’s, Fixed income & Cryptocurrencies. Which can take a simultaneous L/S approach on any given asset. This can also act as a hedge against S/T volatility on L/T investments & reduce risk exposure on L/T investments during periodical rotational sentiment.

Exposure to a plethora of large and small cap stocks, growth stocks, dividend and value. A varied range of ETF’s embarking on the new industrial and digital revolution that is upon us. However, our primary focus is on growth over value. We do not use sector rotation during correctional periods in growth to value. Seeking constant value is not part of our strategy, we prioritize L/T growth over S/T rotations. Exposure within the US equities sector is further to the S&P500 and NASDAQ than the DOW30. Which is where most of the high growth tech stocks list. We value L/T investment approach over “speculation”. Speculation stirs up fear and panic causing sell offs not backed by logic or fact. Stocks will always continue to be a large proportion of L/T investments. Over the last century (93 years to be exact) Stocks have returned an AVG of 9.3% a year, put that side by side the same period of inflation has risen at approximately 3% yearly. Clearly Stocks remain one of the strongest investment strategies with such a proven track record of being able to consistently outpace inflation.

At PBFX we use “asymmetric investing strategies”. Along with seeking investments & sectors where growth continues at a faster pace than inflation. Low inflationary environments still remain the most affable for over all growth & returns in the stock market.

Consistently being able to identify the next major future innovations from companies that have a proven investment structure & can present auspicious results is absolutely crucial to continued ROI upside potential. Seeking out companies with visionary leadership that drives companies to new heights of success. As well as finding companies that have little for competition can soar to market dominance, offering investors unprecedented gains. We believe the sturdiest tech companies can continue to rotate higher in a world dominated by “Tech” and everything it delivers to our growing modern day needs.

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