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Investing In New World Technologies

From A.I, Blockchain, 5G, Smart Energy to Space & beyond.

Here at Private Banker FX we take a major focus on new world technologies as we move in to an ever more digital and technological world. In part, the global pandemic has forced us into transformational technologies at a much faster pace than we would normally expect. We find precision medicine, Biotech, genomic sequencing A.I, Blockchain, Robotics, Smart and Clean energy, New battery technology, 3D printing, Space, 5G and Semiconductor advancements along with Ag Tech-Vertical farming technology to be particularly interesting.

Some of these sectors are still in the earlier stages and have not yet reached mass adoption, therefore present incredible early opportunities for investment. We can also to refer to some of these technologies as “Disruptive industries”.

Several of these sectors are also fluidly interlinked. Without one the other could not achieve full potential. The 5G rollout is allowing for faster automation of electric vehicles, delivery drones, autonomous reality, and many more exciting ventures. Blockchain and the DE-FI era are revolutionizing how we do business. Smart contracts for housing markets, increased security and faster transaction speeds. More secure ways of controlling our own data and capital. Advancements in 5G and blockchain are also increasing demand for faster more efficient data storage. Yet another key sector of growing opportunity. The Metaverse is another spectacular growth sector, which also keys into advancements in 5G, Cloud and data markets.

A.I is changing healthcare, and is a key component to precision medicine and the biotech industry. A.I machine learning algorithms are able to analyze our own DNA and genetics to create personalized healthcare treatments. It will bring faster and less invasive medical procedures to the masses, along with cutting healthcare costs by hundreds of %. A.I is powering new vaccines and medicines as well as opening a new era of possibilities. As A.I technology grows, data collection and storage requirements and demands are also growing. Data in itself is also creating new innovations

3D printing is progressing at incredible speeds. Not only for the medical industry with the realm of 3D printing organs, skin tissue and limbs specifically for your DNA, but it is changing age old manufacturing processes. The future of space travel is now upon us, and the ability to 3D print habitat on the Moon and Mars ahead of human missions, rocket components, and now, 3D printed satellites, where by every component for the satellite is 3D printed. A market projected to reach $126B by 2027. The first 3D printed homes have recently been unveiled. Printed in less than a week at the fraction of the cost to a regular home construction. This sector is set to see enormous growth over the coming decade. And remains relatively untouched by many investors. 3D printing is yet another “Disruptor” about to revolutionize industries.

The markets are always forward thinking, 6-12 months out is a normal forward market projection. Once technologies start to gain momentum this forward thinking projects out further into three to five years of forward anticipation. At PBFX, we endeavour to invest in these technologies before inflection points.

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